WWRN Women

Physical Characteristics

About You

Your Ideal Match


Signature Block

Candidate Agreement


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THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into as of  (effective date) by and between  (hereinafter "Member") and Worldwide Referral Network LLC, AVConnexions, LLC, owner of the Get REAL Get Love Membership community platform (hereinafter "WWRN") c/o AVConnexions, PO Box 800, Blairstown, New Jersey 07825.

The Worldwide Referral Network is the leading clearinghouse for ethical matchmakers.

DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. Beginning on the effective date, WWRN will provide the Member the following services (collectively, the "Services"):

  • WWRN offers commitment-minded daters referrals to ethical matchmakers should the dater wish to hire one.
  • WWRN provides the opportunity to be part of their registry as a Member for introductions to VIP clients of our affiliate matchmaking companies.
  • WWRN offers priority membership upon completing a confidential questionnaire and conducting a paid Love Clarity Session or a FREE Love Life Assessment call (paid for by a VIP client if invited because you may fit the client's criteria).
  • The extensive one-on-one interview (Love Clarity Session) includes a "needs and wants" assessment, personality profile, and background check.
  • Members must provide a recent headshot and a full body shot approved by WWRN to create an external profile to promote the Member to affiliate matchmakers as a potential match for their VIP clients.
  • Members may attend, by invitation, private mixers, socials, and workshops and be eligible for discounts at select WWRN events.
  • Referrals to the WWRN Team of Experts, including negotiated discount pricing, are available.

AFFILIATE MATCHMAKING COMPANY PRACTICES. Each affiliate matchmaking company associated with WWRN operates under its own practices, processes, and requirements, for which WWRN is not responsible. Members have the agency to request as much information as needed to feel satisfied with meeting a proposed match and are free to decline any proposed matches. WWRN requests that Members fill out a feedback form after each match proposal to help us track and improve our services.

REFERRAL SURVEY. Daters seeking a matchmaker agree to complete a brief survey about our referral process, the matchmakers, and the details of their final Agreement when they hire and select a package with an affiliate matchmaking company.

THE FEEDBACK PROCESS. As a candidate member, you agree to our feedback process: fill out an Introduction Feedback Form within 24 hours and a feedback call through our scheduling system after each introduction. We track the date feedback from members and share it with the associated matchmaker to fine-tune future matches. We will not facilitate another introduction if we have an outstanding feedback form.

RESCHEDULING AND CANCELLATIONS. Once a match is accepted, the Member agrees to provide 48-hour notice if there is a need to cancel or reschedule the date; last-minute cancellations are considered a violation of the Agreement and may result in the cancellation of your membership.

SERVICES NOT INCLUDED. Telephone conversations, emails, personal time, and attention with the WWRN staff above and beyond facilitating your interactions with affiliate matchmaking companies are not included without a paid coaching package. There are no recruiting efforts to find singles at large on your behalf. Besides a feedback session, we do not offer personalized dating and relationship coaching without a coaching package before or after each introduction.

PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. There is no fee to join as a candidate. Members who opt-in for a 2-hour Love Clarity Session will pay compensation to AVConnexions, LLC in a lump sum at the going rate, and said amount is non-refundable. The Member understands that upon accepting the terms of this Agreement, the Candidate Database Membership is complimentary and by invitation only.

TERM. This Agreement will remain in effect for one year. There are NO MINIMUM introductions, and members may not place the membership on hold. We reserve the right to request a meeting with you after six months to recertify your profile.

MEMBER AUTHORIZATION FOR BACKGROUND SEARCH. In connection with seeking potential relationships through WWRN, the Member understands that WWRN conducts a background inquiry. The resulting reports may include criminal records obtained from public records and commercial databases. The Member consents to this background check and understands its purpose.

NO GUARANTEES. Because of the complexities of personal relationships, WWRN cannot guarantee that a Member will find a partner for marriage, companionship, or other relationships that satisfy any of the Member's subjective criteria.

CLIENT INDEMNIFICATION. WWRN makes no representations regarding any individual; members understand that they must do everything to satisfy themselves that the person with whom they plan or agree to interact is safe, trustworthy, and acceptable to them. As a result, Member expressly, voluntarily, and knowingly agrees to thoroughly and comprehensively assume the risk of interacting with any individual(s) with whom they encounter directly or indirectly by using WWRN's services. In further consideration of participating in one or more of WWRN's programs, Member agrees to entirely and completely indemnify and hold harmless WWRN, its principals, owners, officers, directors, heirs, successors and assigns from any damages (including but not limited to costs of defense, attorneys' fees, and costs of court), claims, causes of action, suits, demands, and liabilities of whatever nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to damages for personal injuries and emotional distress that arise either directly or indirectly as the result of any service(s) provided by, or any action or failure to act on the part of, WWRN, whether during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter. The preceding extends to any claim(s) for the improper or negligent dissemination of private, unauthorized, or inaccurate information regarding a member that places the Member in a false light or relies to their detriment on any representation, information, opinion, or advice provided by WWRN. Should a member have a dispute with one or more individuals with whom the Member comes in contact either directly or indirectly by using WWRN services, the Member releases WWRN from any of the above-listed damages, claims, or causes of action.

Further, the terms and conditions of this Agreement inure to and are binding on the Member's heirs, administrators, executors, and representatives. The Member is informed about the extent of WWRN's services, capabilities, and obligations. WWRN makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, truth, or completeness of the information supplied by affiliate matchmakers. We conduct a basic background check and verification of our US Members' identities, criminal records, and sex offender status. WWRN does not make any performance promises about the actual generation of long-term relationships or marriages to the Member. WWRN does not independently investigate a Member or Potential Candidate for their financial status, employment status, marital status, or sexual history, whether or not the Member has a sexually transmitted disease or exhibits any signs of abusive behavior. Therefore, for their safety, Members agree to be as cautious with a WWRN Candidate or other Member as they would be with a stranger. WWRN advises all Members that personal contact(s) should always be in a public place, such as a restaurant or café.

USE OF MEMBER INFORMATION. Members allow WWRN to use their photos, likenesses, and critical personal information to promote a member to affiliate matchmakers and their VIP clients.

CONFIDENTIALITY. WWRN and its employees, agents, or representatives will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use for the personal benefit of WWRN or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any form any information that is proprietary to the Member. WWRN and its employees, agents, and representatives will protect and treat such information as confidential. This provision will continue to be effective after the termination of this Agreement. Member agrees not to use or divulge any proprietary information they may come in contact with throughout the contract's life. Member agrees not to disclose the financial arrangements, conversations with your matchmaker, or how you were recruited, if applicable, with any members you meet through an introduction. WWRN prides itself on protecting its client's confidential contact information.


  1. Non-Disparagement Obligations. Member agrees not to make any statements, written or verbal, or cause or encourage others to make any statements, written or oral, that defame, disparage, or in any way criticize the personal or business reputation, practices, or conduct of the Worldwide Referral Network (WWRN), its employees, directors, and officers. This prohibition extends to statements made to anyone, including but not limited to the news media, investors, potential investors, any board of directors or advisory board, industry analysts, competitors, strategic partners, vendors, employees (past and present), and clients.
  2. Scope and Acknowledgment. The Parties acknowledge and agree that this prohibition is a material provision of this Agreement. The Parties further understand and agree that any breach of this clause shall be considered a material violation of this Agreement and that such a breach would cause irreparable harm to the affected Party.
  3. Exceptions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this clause shall not apply to a. Statements required by law, regulation, or legal process, provided that the Member provides WWRN with prior notice of such requirement and an opportunity to seek an appropriate protective order. b. Statements made during any legal proceedings involving the Parties, to the extent such statements are relevant to the proceeding.

REMEDIES. In the event of a breach of the Non-Disparagement Clause, the non-breaching Party shall be entitled to seek all appropriate legal and equitable remedies, including injunctive relief, to prevent further breaches and remedy any harm caused by such breaches. In addition to all other rights, a party may have other rights available according to law. If a party defaults by failing to perform any provision, term, or condition of this Agreement (including, without limitation, the failure to make a monetary payment when due), the other Party may terminate the Agreement by providing written notice to the defaulting Party. This notice shall describe with sufficient detail the nature of the default. The Party receiving such notice shall have thirty (30) days from the effective date of such notice to cure the default(s). Unless waived by a party providing notice, failing to cure the default(s) within such time shall automatically terminate this Agreement.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the whole Agreement between the parties. There are no other promises or conditions in any additional agreement concerning the subject matter, whether oral or written. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the parties. The Member further acknowledges entering this Agreement voluntarily without any pressure or coercion by WWRN, its representatives, agents, and assigns. Member acknowledges having read in full, comprehended, and understood all the Agreement conditions. Member further acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Agreement.

SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions will remain valid and enforceable. Suppose a court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable but that limiting such provision would become valid and enforceable. Such provision will be deemed written, construed, and enforced as defined in that case.

AMENDMENT. Any modification, alterations, or special considerations concerning this Agreement must be made in writing and signed on all copies by the Member and an authorized representative of WWRN to be enforceable. Suppose any term of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable, ineffective, improper, or in any other way found invalid. In that case, it shall not affect the validity of any or all of the remaining paragraphs, portions of the contract, term, or the contract as a whole.

GOVERNING LAW. The laws of the State of New Jersey shall govern this Agreement.

ARBITRATION. The Parties shall resolve any disputes arising under or connected with this Agreement through arbitration. A neutral arbitrator shall conduct the arbitration. The arbitration decision shall be final and binding, and the parties acknowledge that they have waived their right to trial de novo. The parties shall split the arbitration cost equally, but each Party will bear its attorney's fee no matter the outcome.

HEADINGS. Headings in this Agreement are provided for convenience only and shall not be used to construe meaning or intent.

NOTICE. Any notice or communication required or permitted under this Agreement shall be sufficiently given if delivered in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Worldwide Referral Network c/o AVConnexions, PO Box 800, Blairstown, NJ 07825.

ASSIGNMENT. The Member cannot assign this Agreement to any other person or Party.